Calligrapher Master Mr. Wang Dongling laid calligraphy performances at the British Museum in London

Author: admin


"London Craft Week 2016" presented ceramics, silk, embroidery and other Chinese art activities. This Craft Week aimed at demonstrating to art institutions and mass from the Great Britain and other European countries the innovation and inheritance of Chinese traditional craftsmanship, to increase Westerners' understanding toward Chinese culture and art, and to promote the exchanges and cooperation between Chinese craftsmen and designers and artists from London. On May 5 and 6, 2016, Mr. Wang Dongling, a Chinese renowned calligrapher and Professor from Chinese Academy of Fine Arts was invited to turn a live huge calligraphy performance in Victoria and Albert Museum and the British Museum.

According to "UK Chinese Times" in the Great Britain, Mr. Wang employed different manners of production based on the distinctive academic positioning and aesthetic orientations of the two museums: in Victoria and Albert Museum, Mr. Wang produced a 2-meter high, 3-meter wide "Dao De Ching" excerpt with white acrylic paint on plexiglass, while a 3.67-meter high, 5.76-meter wide full text of "Heart Sutra" with traditional ink and rice paper in the central hall of the British Museum, where many celebrities gathered around to appreciate Mr. Wang's performance.

Amongst all, the former Canadian Prime Minister Joe Clark was on site, he said to Mr. Wang, "It happens to be China-Canada Culture Exchange Year now. I would like to invite you to Canada for a performance like this, too."